This Easy Hack Makes Sweet Potatoes Way More Blood-Sugar-Friendly

If you’re going to spend time cheffing up a side of veggies, you should probably try to maximize their benefits, no? Similar to how a smoothie may offer more perks than a juice thanks to the added fiber, some vegetables can boast health benefits when prepared one way or another—sweet potatoes included.

We recently sat down with functional medicine expert Amy Sapola, PharmD, director of Farmacy at The Chef’s Garden in Huron, Ohio, on the mindbodygreen podcast to chat about how to make these tasty veggies even healthier. Here, find her blood-sugar-friendly trick.

If you’re trying to make the most out of your sweet potatoes and mitigate a potential spike in blood sugar, Sapola suggests boiling this veggie rather than roasting it. “The preparation technique for a sweet potato can drastically affect the glycemic impact of that sweet potato,” Sapola explains.

To be specific, Sapola says that roasting sweet potatoes can take their glycemic index score from a 60 to a 90—pretty drastic for such a simple change. Now, experts will usually advise against boiling your vegetables, since you lose many of their valuable nutrients in the cooking water. “However, sweet potatoes are a very rare exception,” says Sapola, especially when it comes to your blood sugar response. Just be sure to let your potatoes sit in the pot for more than just a few minutes, Sapola says. “Boiling sweet potatoes whole for 20 minutes covered is actually the best way to keep the glycemic impact low,” she explains.

After your potato has boiled and cooled, it’s time to get creative with preparation. You may opt for a healthier spin on a classic mashed potato side. Or if you’re ready to dive into fall, a sweet potato soup can serve as the perfect comfort food. Either way, you’ll be soaking up all of the nutrients of the sweet potato while potentially minimizing the following blood sugar spike. And if you’d rather bake your sweet potatoes? That’s fine, too: The nutritious veggie boasts plenty of health benefits, even if it does cause a bit of a glucose spike.

LHDN摆大乌龙?柔佛一名李姓男子去年赚进了RM340,928,原本已经做好缴税的准备,不料收到税单时只要支付 RM8,令他满头问号!第一次遇到这种情况的他在FB吹水站发帖网民求助,结果发现税单并没有算错,因为340千都是通过BK8赚入的。李先生继而解释,赚进340千时,BK8已使用正当收入的理由转账给他,所以玩家不需要为那笔收入缴税。


“但我还是有点担心,所以向BK8 的客服查证。客服说,博彩的奖金是不会被征税的,因为我们的本金已经缴税了,如果靠运气赢得多余的收入,只要有BK8转账给我们的证据,也不需要呈报。”



“赌博的都知道,最“pantang”别人搭你的注,不然就是换荷官被断龙,真的很potong steam“,直到某天,他在网上看到欧洲上市的游戏供应商公司 Evolution GamingBK8合作推出BK8 Salon Prive 11百家乐赌桌当下他就到BK8去了解看看与线下赌场有什么不一样。

BK8 Salon Prive 11百家乐赌桌的主打特点如下:

  • 高达RM125,000的超高投注上限
  • 私人赌桌,可与专属荷官体验1对1百家乐游戏
  • 可随时更换牌组或荷官
  • 可随时开始或暂停游戏

不仅如此,BK8也适逢推出了限时优惠150% 百家乐迎新奖金》,以鼓励玩家试玩该1对1百家乐赌桌。李先生表示,这个赌桌完全解决了线下赌场的不足,他不但可以按照自己的速度玩,也不会有别的玩家来打扰,也是因为这点,让李先生决定尝试BK8的线上百家乐。

图片资讯:BK8与Evolution Gaming推出私人百家乐,让玩家可以独享赌桌,不仅有专属荷官,还可以自由控制游戏节奏。

“起初我也犹豫过,毕竟市场上有很多来历不明的平台,担心赢了也拿不到钱。但是上网做功课后得知,原来BK8与多名港星,如风水大师麦玲玲、TVB视帝陈山聪,黄一飞、钟志光等等合作,而且还获得超过20个国家,如库拉索政府(Government of Curacao)和英国博彩委员会(UKGC颁发的合法营运执照,安全性和合法性都是“某嘚顶”的,所以才放心玩。”

当时,他只存了 RM50 就拿到RM75 的150% 百家乐迎新奖金》,并到百家乐桌上试试手气。“我刚好看到其中一张赌桌连庄,就立刻跟着下注,不知道是不是新玩家的运气特别好,那一张桌直接开12连庄,我也因此赚入近118千!BK8的手脚很快,5分钟内银行就收到钱了。” 自此,李先生空闲时会到BK8玩两手,前前后后在一年内领走了RM340,928

图片资讯: 李先生提供在BK8的提款证明,短短5分钟便完成提款!

BK8发言人梁先生得知此事后透露,“不止是李先生,我们最近也收到了将近 3千多位赢家询问同样的问题,我们在出款时都会注明合法转账理由,为玩家免去个人税收,所以大家可以放心使用奖金买车买房,不需要担心LHDN找上门啦!“


11 条评论

Jason Teoh
Wong Kah Leong
Jason Teoh
Lilian Wong
玩过几个平台,BK8入门比较低,如果是想玩大的他们家最大投注额也比较高~谢谢BK8帮我换了一辆dream car 😍😍
Nick Tan
Adrian Wong
Nicholas Lee
要玩就要玩最大 要发就来BK8 😂
Adrian Wong
Bonus Kaw Kaw 随便你拿 带你一路888!
Lesley Lee
KC Tan
Lesley Lee
你说呢 😁